Sometimes at the edge of sight Something moves which isn't there You turn to look but its gone, it's gone Was it ever really there Yet it touches you Softly touches you And then begins again
That scent of roses The sound of sea A breath of wind on your face
They take you back They take you there To that place long ago And you want so much To hear those words To feel that touch
But you can't go back No you can't go back
Living in the moment Is dangerous and blind But if you look back, too many times The shapes distort, and unwind
But they touched you Softly touched you And then it begins again
That scent of roses The sound of the sea A breath of wind on your face
They take you back They take you there To that place long ago And you want so much To hear those words To feel that touch
But you can't go back No you can't go back
Sometimes ...
Nha Nha a ltvny lnl Valami mozog melyik nincs ott Pillantshoz fordulsz de az ez eltnt, ez ment Volt ez valaha igazn ott Mgis ez megrint tged Lgyan megrint tged Azutn megint kezddik
A rzsknak az az illata A tenger hangja Az arcodon lev szl egy llegzete
Visszavisznek tged Oda visznek tged Ahhoz hely rgen s annyira sokat akarsz Hallani azokat a szavakat rezni azt az rintst
De nem tudsz visszamenni No nem tudsz visszamenni
A pillanatban lni Van veszlyes s vak De ha nagyon sok alkalommal visszaemlkszel Az alakok elgrblnek, s letekerednek
De megrintettek tged Lgyan megrintett tged Azutn ez megint kezddik
A rzsknak az az illata A tenger hangja Az arcodon lev szl egy llegzete
Visszavisznek tged Oda visznek tged Ahhoz hely rgen s annyira sokat akarsz Hallani azokat a szavakat rezni azt az rintst
De nem tudsz visszamenni No nem tudsz visszamenni
Did I tell you?
Did I tell you that I love you today? Have I looked into your eyes? Cause I've talen down that last remaining wall and showed myself to you
As I am All my faults All my thoughts All my yearning
Oh I love you Always have and always will and I wanna face this moment Hold it near Hold it deep Hold it still
Did you know how scared I used to be Scared for you, scared of me But taking down this barrier and touching you at last has broken all that down
Into dust blown away Now there's us and we're real
Oh I love you Always have and always will and I wanna face this moment Hold it near Hold it deep Hold it still
Oh I love you Always have and always will and I wanna face this moment Hold it near Hold it deep Hold it still
This perfect day
Broken dreams
Love you, hate you
LOVE YOU, HATE YOU Think you want me Won`t go there But you Need me, need me now Think I want you Can`t be sure You can Touch me, touch me, touch me now Touch me
Hate you, love you, want you and I need you It`s not easy It makes me cry Need you, want you, hate you Love you, need you, want you Gotta go, say goodbye, say goodbye
Think you know me But you don`t Can you Show me, show me how Think you`re hot No you`re not You can Love me, love me, love me now Love me
Hate you, love you, want you and I need you It`s not easy Makes me cry Need you, want you, hate you, love you, need you, want you Gotta go, say goodbye
Hate you, love you, want you and I need you It`s not easy Makes me cry Need you, want you, hate you, love you, need you, want you Gotta go, say goodbye, say goodbye
Hate you, love you, want you, need you Hate you, love you, want you and I need you Say goodbye Say goodby
Take the rain away
Give me confirmation Let me walk out of the storm Don’t wanna live in darkness Oh let me be transformed Let me find redemption Oh please let there be peace Make the trouble go away Oh make the yearning cease
Take the rain away Take the rain away Give me hope Give me love Make it sweet from above
Take the rain away Oh take the rain away Give me praise Give me heart Take the rain away
Oh give me back the courage And give me back the faith To believe is more than this Let me control my fate
Take the rain away Take the rain away Give me hope Give me love Make it sweet from above
Take the rain away Oh take the rain away Give me praise Give me heart Take the rain away
Some things are eternal Some things pass away But the light which comes When the night is gone Is not just called the day Sometimes pain is useless Sometimes pain is brief But the fragile hope That delays the loss Is another word for peace
Take the rain away Take the rain away Give me hope Give me love Make it sweet from above
Take the rain away Oh take the rain away Give me praise Give me heart Take the rain away
Take the rain away
Vidd el az est
Adj konfirmlst nekem Engedd meg nekem, hogy kivonuljak a viharbl Nem akarj sttsgben lni Oh megengedi nekem, hogy talaktsanak Engedd meg nekem, hogy megvltst talljak meg Oh brbeadsnak okoz rmt ott legyl bke rd el, hogy a baj elmenjen Oh elri, hogy a svrgs abbamaradjon
Vidd el az est Vidd el az est Adj remnyt nekem Adj szeretetet nekem Tedd azt dess fentrl
Vidd el az est Oh elviszi az est Adj dicsretet nekem Adj szvet nekem Vidd el az est
Oh visszaad engem a btorsg s visszaad engem a hit Hinni van tbb mint ez Engedd meg nekem, hogy irnytsam a sorsomat
Vidd el az est Vidd el az est Adj remnyt nekem Adj szeretetet nekem Tedd azt dess fentrl
Vidd el az est Oh elviszi az est Adj dicsretet nekem Adj szvet nekem Vidd el az est
Nhny dolog rkkval Nhny dolog elmlik De az a fny, ami jn Amikor az jszaka eltnik ppen nem nevezik a napnak Nha a fjdalom haszontalan Nha a fjdalom rvid De a trkeny remny Az elhalasztja a vesztesget Van egy msik sz a bkre
Vidd el az est Vidd el az est Adj remnyt nekem Adj szeretetet nekem Tedd azt dess fentrl
Vidd el az est Oh elviszi az est Adj dicsretet nekem Adj szvet nekem Vidd el az est Vidd el az est
Understand me
You, you want it all and you think thats OK but you dont wanna wait, it has to be today. But I, I've been around a long long time and I know what to do, And it'll be just fine.
Understand me, please, understand me.
You, think I dont care and I just dont respond if I listen to you. I have my life to defend. It's so easy to talk. So much harder to do all the things that i have to do, but i still need you to,
understand me, please, understand
Youre misunderstanding me, I'm misunderstanding you, I know whats real, what can you do and what is the truth. Youre misunderstanding me, Im misunderstanding you, Where does the meaning lie, because you dont get it, Dont mean i cant try.
You, you had it all and you might walk away and that would be hard, so how do i say, that i need you to see and i need you to stay and i want what you want but i still need you to, yeah i still need you to,
Understand me, please, understand me. I still want to understand you, I still need you to understand me. Misunderstanding me, misunderstanding you, I know whats real, What can you do and what is the truth, Misunderstanding me, I still need you to understand me.
rts meg! Te, Te mindent akarsz s azt hiszed ez gy van jl, De nem akarsz vrni Legyen meg mg ma! De n, Hosszasan krljrok mindent s tudom mit kell tenni,hogy minden j legyen. rts meg! Krlek rts meg! Te, Azt hiszed,hogy nem rdekel s nem felelek, Pedig figyeltem rd. Meg kne vdenem az letem. Olyan knny mondani Sokkal nehezebb megtenni mindent, Amit meg kell tenni, De mg szksgem van arra,hogy megrts. Krlek rts meg! Flrertesz Flrertelek Tudom,hogy mi a valsg Mi az igazsg Flrertesz Mi volt a helyzet? Mert ezt nem rted Nem hiszed,hogy nem tudom megprblni. Neked, Neked mindened megvan s eltudsz stlni, De ez nehz lesz Ht hogyan mondjam el,hogy Szksgem van arra,hogy lssalak Szksgem van arra,hogy maradj, s azt akarom amit te akarsz, De mg mindig szksgem van arra,hogy megrts! Igen,mg mindig szksgem van arra,hogy megrts!
The stranger
Been a lot of places Had a lot of homes Always lived a gypsy life She never settled down But that might change...
Always the outsider Mostly been alone Never stay in one place for too long Guess she likes her freedom I guess, that's true
Easy to be careful Harder to be wise Life's a risk - she gambles That's no suprise...
She's a stranger, a mystery Someone from the past But that stranger Will bring a mystery - into your life
Yes that stranger Brings mystery into your life
Don't ask for favours Don't tell lies Don't open up of she'll walk on you One day she might change But not for fools...
Easy to be careful Harder to be wise Life's a risk - she gambles That's no suprise...
She's a stranger, a mystery Someone from the past But that stranger Will bring a mystery - into your life
Yes that stranger Brings mystery into your life
Roll the dice and spin that wheel again She'll hit the road, but you won't know when They make 'em tough where she comes from Get too close and she'll be gone...
She's a stranger, a mystery Someone from the past But that stranger Will bring a mystery - into your life
Yes that stranger Brings mystery into your life
Strip jack neked
Hey girl
Hey, girl, you got a new life A long time coming (And it's) such a good thing (yeah) Hey, girl, ooh it's a clean world So bright and shiny Just step on in
Shake off the dust And lose the heartbreak Just let it go (let it go) and walk away Yeah look forward 'Cos you want to that's the way Yeah, that's the way, yeah, that's the way
Hey, girl, you got a new start A new beginning But it's hard to leave Hey, girl, now don't look backward No need to stay 'Cos now your free
Shake off the dust And lose the heartbreak Just let it go (let it go) and walk away Yeah look forward 'Cos you want to that's the way Yeah, that's the way, yeah, that's the way
And it feels so great, feels so great Yeah and you've earned it And it feels so great, feels so great Oh you deserve it
Shake off the dust And lose the heartbreak Just let it go (let it go) and walk away Yeah look forward 'Cos you want to that's the way Yeah, that's the way, yeah, that's the way
Hey, girl, you got a new life A long time coming (And it's) such a good thing (yeah) Hey, girl, it's a clean world So bright and shiny Just step on in
Hey, girl, you got a new start A new beginning But it's hard to leave Hey, girl, now don't look backward No need to stay 'Cos now your free
Hey lny
Hey, lny, kaptl egy j letet Egy hossz id jn (s ez) egy olyan j dolog (igen) Hey, lny, ooh* ez egy tiszta vilg Annyira fnyes s ragyog ppen lp
Rzs a por mellett s elveszti a szvfjdalmat ppen megengedi ennek, hogy menjen (megengedi ennek, hogy menjen) s elstl Tnj haladnak igen Mert, amit akarsz ahhoz, az t Igen, az az t, igen az az t
Hey, lny, kaptl egy j kezdst Egy j kezdet De nehz tvozni Hey, lny, most nem tnik visszamaradtnak Nincs igny, hogy maradjanak Mert most tied szabad
Rzs a por mellett s elveszti a szvfjdalmat ppen megengedi ennek, hogy menjen (megengedi ennek, hogy menjen) s elstl Tnj haladnak igen Mert, amit akarsz ahhoz, az t Igen, az az t, igen az az t s ez annyira nagynak rzi magt, annyira nagynak tnik Igen s kerested azt s ez annyira nagynak rzi magt, annyira nagynak tnik Oh megrdemled azt
Rzs a por mellett s elveszti a szvfjdalmat ppen megengedi ennek, hogy menjen (megengedi ennek, hogy menjen) s elstl Tnj haladnak igen Mert, amit akarsz ahhoz, az t Igen, az az t, igen az az t
Hey, lny, kaptl egy j letet Egy hossz id jn (s ez) egy olyan j dolog (igen) Hey, lny, ez egy tiszta vilg Annyira fnyes s ragyog ppen lp
Hey, lny, kaptl egy j kezdst Egy j kezdet De nehz tvozni Hey, lny, most nem tnik visszamaradtnak Nincs igny, hogy maradjanak Mert most tied szabad
Life makes a lives as fool of
Gentle, gentle(Life of your life)
Gentle gentle sing to your child Your companion for such a long long time Beneath your heart Her heart beats strong Life of your life Is safe in your arms
Touch her face You gave her form Child of this earth Child of the sky You are her voice She has your eyes This is her gift The thread of life
Give her grace Give her peace Let her be strong Let her be kind She is your soul And you are her strength Bless her and guide her all of her life
Gentle gentle sing to your child Your companion for such a long long time Beneath your heart Her heart beats strong Life of your life Is safe in your arms
First touch
Look into the distance Tell me what you see Can you see the future? Are you there with me?
Hope it's there for both of us Hope we travel on 'Cause I believe Yes I believe That once you light that fire And when you give it life It will grow and grow
'Cause the first touch of your first love Is the deepest and the sweetest And the last words of your first love Are the hardest words to hear
When I finally touch you Soft upon your skin You travel to the heart of me And so it begins
Can't walk away Can hardly breathe I know you're there I feel that you're there 'Cause once you light that fire And then you give it life It grows and grows
'Cause the first touch of your first love Is the deepest and the sweetest And the last words of your first love Are the hardest words to hear
Oh, the first touch of your first love Is the deepest and the sweetest And the last words of your first love Are the hardest words to hear
Look into the distance Tell me what you see Can you see the future? Are you there with me?
Az els rints
A tvolsgba val pillants Mondd el nekem, hogy mit ltsz Tudod ltni a jvt? Ott vagy velem?
Remld, hogy ez ott van mindkettnkrt Remny, amit beutazunk Ok, amit elhiszek Igen, amit elhiszek Az amint meggyjtod azt a tzet s amikor adod azt let Ez nni fog s nni fog
Okozd az els szereteted els rintst Van az legmlyebb s az legdesebb s az els szereteted utols szavai Vagy a legkemnyebb szavak hallanak
Amikor vgl megrintelek tged Puha a brdn Odautazol az n szvemhez s gyhogy ez kezddik
Nem tud elstlni Alig tud llegezni Tudom, hogy ott vagy rzem, hogy ott vagy Ok amint meggyjtod azt a tzet Azutn adod azt let Ez n s n
Okozd az els szereteted els rintst Van az legmlyebb s az legdesebb s az els szereteted utols szavai Vagy a legkemnyebb szavak hallanak
Oh, az els szereteted els rintse Van az legmlyebb s az legdesebb s az els szereteted utols szavai Vagy a legkemnyebb szavak hallanak
A tvolsgba val pillants Mondd el nekem, hogy mit ltsz Tudod ltni a jvt? Ott vagy velem?
Too young
Whatever I do Wherever I go The past goes with me A little bit sad A little regret The pain stays with me
What should I do? I think that I know - Forgive and forget and let go
Was I too young? Did I act badly Can I learn to forgive Myself completely? Was I too young Did I make a mistake Can I learn to forgive myself completely What should I do...
Whatever I say Whatever I think I'll always wonder Did I do the right thing Would I do it again Could I do any better?
What should I do? I think that I know - Forgive and forget and let go
Was I too young? Did I act badly Can I learn to forgive Myself completely? Was I too young Did I make a mistake Can I learn to forgive myself completely What should I do...
If only I hadn't said what I said If only I hadn't done what I did And I don't want to face the past again and again I don't need any more pain
Was I too young? Did I act badly Can I learn to forgive Myself completely? Was I too young Did I make a mistake Can I learn to forgive myself completely What should I do...
Was I too young? Did I act badly Can I learn to forgive Myself completely? Was I too young Did I make a mistake Can I learn to forgive myself completely What should I do...
In his eyes
He, he don't belong any moreI And he, he has no place any more It's dark and cold, it's cold so cold And he, he don't belong any more
Nothing in his heart Nothing in his soul Nothing in his eyes, empty and cold Nothing left to stand for No-one left to hold Nothing in his hands anymore He don't belong any more
He, don't understand any more And he, he can't believe any more The truth, the lies, the pain when he trys He, can't understand anymore
Nothing in his heart Nothing in his soul Nothing in his eyes, empty and cold Nothing left to stand for No-one left to hold Nothing in his hands anymore He don't belong any more
No father no son No future no past No place on this land
No lover no wife No reason to fight No reason to stand
Nothing in his heart Nothing in his soul Nothing in his eyes, empty and cold Nothing left to stand for No-one left to hold Nothing in his hands anymore He don't belong any more
By my side
I can't keep my heart from breaking When you're not here Don't want another night of waking Without you near Can't face another day without you Don't wanna face it alone I need to look deep down in your eyes And know you're home
Gonna throw my arms around you And hold you tight Gonna throw my arms around you We're gonna dance all night Maybe I was dreaming You were never leaving Maybe I've been hoping too long To have you by my side By my side Oh, by my side Oh yeah, baby, by my side
I can't stop my heart from aching With you away I don't want to be without you For another day You told me that our love was over But I have to hold on And I believe that my love for you Will bring you home
I'm gonna throw my arms around you And hold you tight Gonna throw my arms around you We're gonna dance all night Maybe I was dreaming You were never leaving Maybe I've been hoping too long To have you by my side By my side Oh, by my side Oh yeah, baby, by my side
Since you went away The pain's been growing And I've been holding on But that's okay 'Cause I know in my heart That you'll be coming home Yeah coming home Coming home to stay
Gonna throw my arms around you And hold you tight Gonna throw my arms around you We're gonna dance all night Maybe I was dreaming You were never leaving Maybe I've been hoping too long To have you by my side By my side Oh, by my side Oh yeah, baby, by my side By my side By my side
The siren's song
In the shadow, of the moment Is the truth, of light and dark Try to touch What lies between them But you`ll never leave a mark
In the stillness, In the silence When it`s finished, when it`s gone Something echoes, something whispers Tries to speak when you`re alone
You can hold The darkness from you If the will Is very strong But that whisper Always haunts you Cannot charge that Sirens song
In the daylight, It seems simple Simple choices, black and white But it`s hard, to face the shadow That's the fear that walks the night
You can hold That darkness from you If the will Is very strong But that whisper Always haunts you Cannot change that Sirens song
Lonely people Search for answers Want to change What they can't have Try to hurry On the moment When at last they learn to live
If you turn To face the shadow Touch the mist The mystery You will find It has no That darkness from you If the will Is very strong You can hold That darkness from you If the will Is very strong
Matter of time
Hopeless case
Its true- that i love you Thats right- so very right But dont you break my heart No dont- although you might
(Cos im a) Hopeless case (And you're a) Recless waste (I'm a) Hopeless case kiss me now x4 Whats your haste? Cos I'm a hopeless case Kiss me now Cos im a reckless waste
So sad- dont ever leave Thats wrong- cos youre my dream Yes stay- I love your face Please stay- I'm on your case
Just a kind
Am I crazy
Maybe I was wrong Maybe I'm to blame I thought I'd see you and it would be the same When I look at you Dunno know who I see It is someone new or just a memory
Days drift by Sometimes I cry Never really understood I always thought that you'd be there Was I crazy, crazy? Sometimes......its so unfair
Don't know where I am Don't know where is home Don't know much at all But it ain't much fun alone Guess I'll work it out What else can you do Maybe life goes on with one instead of two
Days drift by Sometimes I cry I never really understood I always thought that you'd be there Was I crazy, crazy? Sometimes......its so unfair
and was I crazy, crazy? Sometimes......its so unfair
Never enough
There was never time enough I can't breath It's too hard to think of love I can't breath, I can't breath
Can't let my words betray I won't talk, I won't talk Words will never be the way I won't talk, won't talk
Many fears, many dreams Many roads out there Hide the pain behind the smile Behind the tears
You burn like fire Burn like ice Your heart tears, your heart tears You be strong and hold it in But your heart still cares
Many fears and many dreams Many roads out there Hide the pain behind the smile Till there are no more tears
Many fears and many dreams Many roads out there Hide the pain behind the smile Till there are no more tears
There was never time enough I can't breath It's too hard to think of love I can't breath, I can't breath
Many fears and many dreams Many roads out there Hide the pain behind the smile Till there are no more tears
Many fears and many dreams Many roads out there Hide the pain behind the smile Till there are no more tears
There was never time enough......
My heart is like a river
My heart is like a river My heart is like these hills They never change Inever change And i never will
You called and i came running you cried and now I'm here So hold this faith Accept our faith These are little fears
We have enough to guide us we have enough to last We're not alone We never were You and I aren't lost
Oh hold me very tightly Hold me fast and strong I am your love Wont stray from you You and I belong
My heart is like a river My heart is like these hills They never change I never change And I never will
Don't judge
Dont judge, Dont believe what you see, Dont judge, Theres so much more to me, Inside Its hard to be clear, Inside, Its when i feel the fear
CHORUS Im findin my way, im findin my way I can do it alone, Im findin my way, Im findin my way, but theres so much, so much more to say, Im findin my way
I feel, That feelin is wrong, I feel, So lonely once more, I trust, That i cant survive, I trust, Its hard to stay alive
I choose, the hard way to go, And I choose, Its all that I know, Its dark, and i wanna see the light, Its dark, and i wanna do whats right,
Im findin my way x6
Im findin my way x6, along the long long road, Findin my dreams
We got it wrong
Hard to know the stakes So hard to read the signs The tracks were faint, Made long ago There's been so many times We got it wrong
If I could have one moment Only one, to try again I`d try to say I'm sorry I'd try to heal this pain I accept my part in all the blame We got it wrong
Doesn't mean we didn't try though Doesn't mean there was no love Just ran out of time I guass Or maybe we got lost And yes, regret is painful Because we got it wrong
Tears for all tha damage Tears for all the joy Out in the dark, alone and lost I'll try not to destroy Any more of what we had Because we got it wrong
Doesn't mean we didn't try though Doesn't mean there was no love Just ran out of time I guass Or maybe we got lost And yes, regret is painful Because we got it wrong
Feet on the ground
Comon Ground
Common ground, find commmon ground Keep on looking, til it's found Got one chance, that's what they say They're all wrong cos there are many ways
Got to want it Got to know And nothing's just as it seems It's not easy It's a long, long road to find your dream
Nothing certain, that's so tough Nothing easy, yeah that rough Walk towards it or let it go? Speak the words, the words you know
Got to want it Got to know And nothing's just as it seems It's not easy It's a long, long road to find your dream
Common ground, find common ground It is out there, it can be found Many chances, many ways Common ground, the road is laid
But you.... Got to want it Got to know And nothing's just as it seems It's not easy It's a long, long road A long, long road It's a long, long road to find your dream
Fcmdal It'll take some times To find your heart and come back home You could walk for miles Cross every river and find you're not alone Cos I'll be there oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you're not alone oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Cos I'll be there.
Lesz idm arra, hogy Megtalljam a szved s visszajjjek Stlhatsz mrfldeket tkelhetsz minden folyn s rjssz, hogy nem vagy egyedl Mert n ott leszek(veled) oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Nem vagy egyedl oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Mert n ott leszek(veled)